Social Security Law

Social security law covers legal regulations that secure individuals’ health, retirement, unemployment and other social security rights. Social security is a system in which the state provides various services to its citizens in order to provide them with a certain standard of living. This area includes many important issues such as benefiting from health services by paying insurance premiums, providing for a living during retirement, and receiving compensation due to work accidents or occupational diseases.

Social security law is a system that protects the rights of workers, tradesmen, freelancers and retirees. This branch of law determines the responsibilities of employees, employers and the state. It also includes legal regulations on how contributions to the social security system will be used and the effectiveness of this system. Social security cases are a frequently encountered and quite complex area, as they include issues such as premium debts, retirement procedures, work accidents and occupational diseases.

Basic Topics Covered in Social Security Law:

  1. Social Security Premium and Insurance:
  2. – Insurance premium payments, which constitute the cornerstone of the social security system, are necessary for insured individuals to benefit from health services, retirement pensions and unemployment benefits. It is of great importance that these premiums are paid regularly and calculated correctly.
  3. Retirement and Old Age Pension:

– Individuals in the social security system are required to pay their insurance premiums regularly in order to retire and receive their retirement benefits when they reach a certain age. Retirement procedures and applications are one of the most important issues of social security law.

  1. Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases:

– Employees who have a work accident or contract an occupational disease are entitled to compensation under insurance. Legal processes must be managed correctly in order to compensate for material and moral damages resulting from work accidents and occupational diseases.

  1. Unemployment insurance:

– Unemployment insurance covers the aid paid by the state to enable a worker to continue their livelihood in the event of losing their job. Applications regarding unemployment insurance, whether insurance premiums have been paid properly, etc. are examined within the scope of social security law.

  1. Social Security Appeals and Administrative Processes:

– In cases where there are errors in the calculation of insurance premiums or when retirement requests are rejected, insured individuals have the right to object. In social security law, objections and legal applications to prevent loss of rights are of great importance.

  1. Bağ-Kur and SSK Insurance:

– For those working in the social security system, there is SSK insurance, and for tradesmen and independent workers, there is Bağ-Kur insurance. The rights in these two systems include different regulations such as premium payment obligations and retirement conditions.

  1. Health insurance:

– Health insurance is applied so that the insured can benefit from health services within the scope of social security. Health needs of the insured, such as hospital and doctor services, are met by the Social Security Institution (SGK).

  1. Social Security Cases:

– Legal disputes regarding social security, work accident compensation, non-payment of retirement benefits, etc. are the main subjects of social security lawsuits. These lawsuits can be filed against the relevant insurance institutions.

  1. Adaptation and Allowance Increase:

– The increase and adjustment of retirement salaries is one of the important areas of social security law. Legal applications made to retirees regarding annual increases and salary arrangements fall within this scope.

  1. Social Security System and International Relations:

– International social security agreements, such as the inclusion of people working or residing abroad in the Turkish social security system and the prevention of double insurance payments, also cover this legal area.

As Aykut Law Firm, the services we offer within the scope of Social Security Law:

  • Retirement and Insurance Premiums Consultancy: Providing legal guidance to insured individuals regarding their retirement applications and premium payments.
  • Work Accident and Occupational Disease Compensation Cases: Filing a lawsuit and following up on the process for compensation rights arising from work accidents or occupational diseases.
  • Unemployment Insurance Rights and Applications: Making unemployment insurance applications and carrying out the necessary procedures to receive unemployment benefits.
  • Social Security Appeals: Managing the appeal process against errors made regarding social security transactions or rejected applications.
  • Health Insurance and Medical Assistance: Organizing the necessary legal processes for insured persons to benefit from health services within the scope of health insurance.
  • Bağ-Kur ve SSK Sigortası İle İlgili Hizmetler: SSK ve Bağ-Kur sigortalarındaki hakların korunması, prim ödemelerinin kontrol edilmesi ve emeklilik başvurularının yapılması.

Services Related to Bağ-Kur and SSK Insurance: Protection of rights in SSK and Bağ-Kur insurances, control of premium payments and making retirement applications.

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