Criminal Law

Criminal law is the branch of law that prescribes sanctions for criminal offences against a person or legal entity. Criminal law is an important field that regulates society and punishes those who commit offences. This branch of law, while defining offences, also determines the penalties to be imposed on the person or persons who commit an offence. At the same time, it also contains protective provisions to prevent unjust punishment of innocent persons.
Criminal law covers the general provisions on the formation of offences, the rules on proving guilt and determining penalties, and the sanctions to be applied against the offender. This is a complex area of law that requires a very careful approach, both because it contains provisions restricting freedoms and because it requires a high standard of evidence in determining guilt.
Basic Issues in the Scope of Criminal Law:
- Types and Definitions of Offences: – Criminal law broadly divides offences into two categories: private offences (e.g. theft, murder) and offences against the public (e.g. offences against the security of the state). Each type of offence covers actions that require a specific punishment.
- Criminal Investigation and Prosecution Process: – When a crime is committed, an investigation is initiated by the state authorities and evidence of the crime is collected. After the investigation, a lawsuit is filed and the criminal proceedings begin. The protection of the rights of the accused in criminal proceedings is of utmost importance.
- Defence and Legal Representation: – The right of defence in criminal proceedings is a constitutional right to prove one’s innocence before being punished. We provide professional defence to clients in criminal cases and defend their rights.
- Traffic Offences – Actions such as traffic accidents and violations of traffic rules fall within the scope of criminal law. Traffic offences include sanctions ranging from fines to imprisonment.
- Offences against children and young people: – In criminal law, separate rules apply to offences committed by children. The punishment of juvenile and young offenders is for rehabilitation purposes.
- Moral Compensation and Restitution of Damage: – In the event that a person is victimised as a result of a crime, compensation for the material and moral damages of the victim is also an important part of criminal law. Victims of crime can seek compensation through the courts.
- Appeal and Appeal Processes: – In criminal cases, there is also a right to appeal against the court’s judgement and an appeal application process. The penalty imposed shall be appealed to the Supreme Court for review of its conformity with the law.
- Court of Cassation Decisions and Legal Jurisprudence: – In criminal law, judicial decisions and case law play an important role in shaping future cases. The judgements of the Court of Cassation guide the application of criminal law.
As Aykut Law Office, we offer services within the scope of Criminal Law:
- Defence in Criminal Cases: – We provide our clients facing criminal charges with a professional defence process, ensuring that their rights are protected in the best way possible.
- Traffic Offences and Accidents: – We help our clients who have been involved in traffic accidents or violated traffic rules to navigate the criminal proceedings and provide the most appropriate defence.
- Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence: – We provide legal representation and defence services to our clients in relation to sexual offences, domestic violence and similar serious crimes.
- Freedom of Expression and Press Offences: – We defend our clients in cases concerning freedom of expression, press offences and statements of opinion.
- Prohibited Weapons and Drug Offences: – We provide professional legal support to our clients by defending offences such as the prohibition of carrying weapons, drug use and sale.
- Intentional Homicide: – We provide legal defence for our clients in cases of intentional homicide, one of the most serious crimes of criminal law.
- Consumer Offences: – We offer assistance in the defence or redress of grievances in relation to offences such as violations of consumer rights, fraud, etc.
- Imprisonment and Execution Law: – We guide our clients who have been sentenced to imprisonment in all processes related to execution law and work for the most appropriate implementation of the sentences.
- Fraud and Forgery Offences: – We provide legal support for the defence of fraud, forgery and similar economic crimes, to compensate for damages and to release clients from criminal liability as soon as possible.
- Data Crimes and Cybercrimes: – We provide defence and legal solutions to our clients in cases related to cybercrimes such as crimes committed over the Internet, data theft, unauthorised use of personal data.
- Gambling and Prostitution Offences: – We provide defence for clients charged with gambling and prostitution offences and provide detailed information on the criminal consequences of these offences.
- Child Abuse and Child Rights Violations: – We take the necessary legal steps to protect victims in cases of crimes and abuse against children. At the same time, we help to ensure justice by providing defence for juvenile offences.
- Unfair Competition and Economic Offences: – We provide legal assistance in cases such as unfair competition and economic crimes committed in commercial life, crimes against companies, tax evasion.
- Corruption and Public Official Offences: – We provide legal defence and protect the rights of our clients in cases such as accusations against public officials, bribery, corruption and crimes against office.
- Offences related to the use of alcohol and drugs: – We ensure that our clients are tried in the fairest way possible by defending against offences such as the use, transport and trafficking of alcohol and drugs.
- Education and Professional Offences: – We defend and resolve victims or accused persons in matters relating to the education sector, such as offences related to the education sector, forged diplomas and academic irregularities.
- Breach of Confidentiality and Leakage Offences: – We defend clients’ rights by defending against the offences of unauthorised disclosure of personal, commercial or state secrets.
As Aykut Law Office, we offer a professional approach to our clients in the field of criminal law to ensure justice, protection of the innocent and fair punishment of the guilty. Criminal proceedings require seriousness and diligence, which is why we strive to defend our clients’ rights in the strongest possible way in every case.