Information Technology Law

Information technology law has become an important branch of law with the rapid development of technology and the internet. With the new opportunities and problems brought by the digital world, legal issues that arise in legal relations between individuals and companies, especially in areas such as data protection, digital commerce, internet crimes and copyrights, need to be resolved. Information technology law is a comprehensive field aimed at legal regulations regarding the use of the internet and solving problems that may arise in the digital world.
Information technology law regulates the role of information technologies and the internet in society. This branch of law covers a range of topics such as internet crimes, data security, digital commerce, e-commerce contracts, digital platforms, intellectual property rights and cybercrimes. It also focuses on today’s most important legal issues such as contracts made over the internet, protection of digital content, and privacy of personal data.
Subjects within the scope of Information Technology Law:
- Data Protection and Confidentiality of Personal Data: – Protection of personal data, data security and personal data breaches are among the most critical issues of information technology law. Legal sanctions are applied in case of unauthorized collection and use of personal data.
- Cyber Crimes and Digital Security: – Cyber crimes such as fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized access to systems via the internet are important issues that need to be resolved within the framework of information technology law. Digital security measures and criminal aspects of crimes are also addressed in this area.
- E-Commerce and Digital Contracts: – Regulation of online commerce, legal responsibilities of e-commerce site owners, validity of digital contracts, consumer rights and disputes that may arise in digital shopping cover this area.
- Intellectual Property and Digital Content Rights: – The protection of intellectual property rights such as copyrights, patent rights and trademark rights of digital content, software and technologies published on the Internet has an important place in the field of information technology law.
- Software Law and Technology Companies: – Compliance with legal regulations by software developing companies, software contracts, software licenses and legal responsibilities of technology companies fall within this scope.
- Internet Crimes: – Legal regulations and criminal cases related to crimes committed on the Internet, such as insults, slander, unauthorized access to personal data and digital fraud on social media platforms.
- Digital Platforms and User Agreements: – Legal validity of agreements between users and platforms in social media, online games and other digital platforms. Preparation and regulation of user agreements and privacy policies.
- Regulation of Electronic Commerce: – Legal supervision of e-commerce platforms, online sales, payment systems, user rights, consumer rights such as the right to return and withdrawal are addressed in this area.
- Websites and Digital Content Production: – Legal obligations of website owners, rights of digital content producers, legal control of advertising and marketing activities conducted over the internet.
- Social Media Law: – Topics covered by social media law such as management of social media accounts, monitoring of shared content, online personality rights violations, defamation and slander cases.
- Electronic Signature and Digital Identity: – Legal validity of electronic signatures, creation of digital identity, accuracy and security of contracts made on digital platforms.
As Aykut Law Firm, the services we offer within the scope of IT Law:
- Personal Data Protection and Compliance Consultancy: – We provide legal consultancy services to our clients regarding the protection of personal data, in order to ensure compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) and other national and international data protection regulations.
- Cyber Crimes and Digital Security: – We provide legal representation to our clients in litigation processes related to crimes committed over the internet (identity theft, fraud, unauthorized access, etc.). We also provide strategic recommendations for you to take digital security measures.
- E-Commerce and Digital Contracts: – We provide consultancy services for the preparation of contracts for e-commerce platforms and digital content providers, consumer rights regulations and legal compliance processes related to e-commerce.
- Intellectual Property Rights and Digital Content Protection: – We provide legal consultancy on protecting intellectual property rights such as copyrights, patents and trademark rights on software, content and technologies published in digital media.
- Legal Consultancy for Software and Technology Companies: – We provide services to software companies, technology companies and digital platforms regarding contractual arrangements, software licenses and ensuring compliance of technological products with legal regulations.
- Internet Crimes and Criminal Cases: – We provide legal support to our clients in criminal cases due to crimes committed on the Internet (cyber attacks, fraud, personal data breaches, etc.).
- Social Media and Digital Content Law: – We provide legal consultancy services regarding legal issues arising from social media sharing, rights of digital content producers, violations of personal rights and social media platforms.
- Electronic Signature and Digital Identity Consultancy: – We provide consultancy services regarding the use of electronic signatures, digital identity creation and security of online contracts.
As Aykut Law Firm, with our deep knowledge and experience in the field of information technology law, we offer professional solutions for all kinds of legal problems encountered in the digital world. We provide comprehensive legal services for both individual users and technology companies.