Family Law

Family law is a branch of law that regulates the rights, responsibilities and relationships of individuals within the family and is one of the most important and sensitive areas of private life. Important issues such as marriage, divorce, care of children, division of property and alimony are handled within the framework of family law. Since family disputes often carry emotional and psychological burdens, it is of great importance to manage the legal process meticulously. Family law requires a professional approach in order to protect the rights of individuals, contribute to justice and find a healthier solution between the parties.
Family law aims to secure not only the legal but also the personal rights of individuals. It covers a wide range of issues from divorce and property division to the regulation of child custody. In these processes, the rights of each individual should be protected in the best way possible within the framework required by law.
Basic Issues Handled within the Scope of Family Law:
- Marriage: – Marriage is a formal legal bond between two people. Marriage takes place after certain procedures have been fulfilled and many legal rights and responsibilities arise with marriage.
- Divorce – Divorce is a legal process applied by a married couple to terminate the marriage bond. The divorce process is very important in terms of property division, alimony, custody of children and other rights of the parties.
- Custody: – Custody arrangements, which determine which parent is responsible for the care and education of children after divorce, are a critical aspect of family law. It should be ensured that the children are cared for in the best way possible.
- Property Division: – The division of property acquired during marriage is of great importance during divorce. The division of property may vary according to the type of property regime and a fair solution must be provided in line with the rights of each spouse.
- Alimony: – Alimony is an important issue in divorce cases, which the spouses must pay to support each other after the divorce. Alimony is determined according to the financial situation of the spouses and the grounds for divorce.
- Domestic Violence: – Domestic violence can cause both physical and psychological harm. It is necessary to implement protection measures for victims of domestic violence and to initiate legal processes to prevent violence.
- Adoption: – Adoption refers to joining a family separate from one’s biological parents. Adoption is subject to certain legal procedures and the person’s rights are legally protected.
- Evlilik Sözleşmesi: – Evlilik öncesi ya da sırasında taraflar arasında, mal paylaşımını düzenleyen bir sözleşme yapılabilir. Bu sözleşmeler, boşanma durumunda anlaşmazlıkların önüne geçmek amacıyla yapılır.
- Aile içi Miras ve Haklar: – Aile üyeleri arasında miras paylaşımı, özel ve hassas bir konudur. Aile içindeki miras anlaşmazlıkları, hukuki düzenlemelerle çözülür.
- Uluslararası Aile Hukuku: – Farklı ülkelerdeki kişilerle yapılan evlilikler, boşanmalar ve çocuklarla ilgili uyuşmazlıklar, uluslararası aile hukukuna tabidir. Yabancı ülkelerin hukuk sistemleri de göz önünde bulundurularak çözüm yolları aranır.
As Aykut Law Office, we offer services within the scope of Family Law:
- Divorce Cases: – We provide legal support during the separation process of the parties and manage the legal procedures in divorce cases in the best way.
- Property Division and Property Regime: – We provide guidance to our clients on the division of property acquired during marriage and ensure a fair and correct division.
- Custody and Maintenance Cases: – We provide professional legal support to our clients in matters such as determining the custody of children and alimony claims.
- Domestic Violence and Protection Measures: – We defend the rights of our clients by taking protection measures for the protection of victims of domestic violence.
- Adoption: – During the adoption process, we take the necessary legal steps to ensure that the rights of both the adoptee and the adoptee are secured.
- Preparation of Marriage Contract: – We assist our clients in the preparation of contracts regulating the division of property before marriage.
- Family Inheritance Sharing: – We offer legal support to resolve disputes between family members regarding the division of inheritance and to prevent loss of rights.
- Defence in Contested Divorce Cases: – We provide our clients with a strong defence in highly contested divorce cases.
- International Family Law and Marriages: – We provide international legal guidance to our clients regarding family law regulations and cases in different countries.
- Engagement Litigation: – In the event of a broken engagement, we offer legal solutions for material and moral compensation cases between fiancés.
- Material and Moral Compensation for Divorce: – We pursue the claims for material and moral compensation for the aggrieved party during divorce through legal means.
As Aykut Law Office, we defend the rights of our clients at the highest level in all processes in the field of family law and offer a professional approach to resolve disputes in the fastest way possible. We contribute to our clients’ search for peace and justice by handling complex legal issues within the family in the best way.